
Thursday, 29 August 2013

What I'm wearing

Monki Sleeveless Bodycon Dress

This is a quick post just to show you my latest little purchase, now I don't know about everyone else but ASOS is a very big weakness of mine, I'm constantly browsing on it and wish listing items because it has such a good range for petite girls (I sound like an advert but really my fav online window shopping place!) I "needed" a new dress which I could wear both for job interviews & for going out because of my very limited funds at the moment, and this is just above knee length so fits both purposes really!

Planning to wear it on saturday because my Dads having a 56th birthday party and we've got a whole load of people coming to the house to celebrate! Hope everyone has a fun weekend too!

There is also a picture of me wearing the dress on my instagram for people who want to see what it looks like on, I'll try give some proper outfit pictures a go in the future :)

Sunday, 25 August 2013


Screen Caps from
I don't know about everyone else but I usually don't do much on Sundays, it's my day to be "lazy" (I hate that word because it's everyone own opinion as to what lazy is) but anyway It always has been and always will be my lazy day. I usually spend the day racing through whatever tv show I'm currently watching or rewatching (I'm boxset mad) .

This collage is for a lovely show called Fringe, it's honestly the best show I've seen in years, made me cry at how close you become to the characters and how much you end up feeling for them. In a nut shell it's about Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv), Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson), and Walter Bishop (John Noble), members of FBI "Fringe Division" team. The team uses "fringe" science and FBI investigative techniques to investigate a series of unexplained, often ghastly occurrences, which are related to mysteries surrounding a parallel universe. It has many "Freak of the week" episodes but also a running arc through the seasons, which culminates in Season 5,intermingling with the SciFi happenings are such tender, heartbreaking, emotional moments between Peter Bishop and his Father Walter as they've been estranged. Plus lots of "will they wont they" romance! (I wont spoil it!) I know I might not be describing it so well but it's really great and I'd honestly list it in my top 5 tv series.

I'm thinking about doing this kind of post regular when I've finished watching a show as I'm tv mad (sado ha ha) and I'm always on the look out for good show recommendations!

And yes...that is a cow in the lab in one of the images! ;)

Thursday, 22 August 2013

What I'm Wearing

*River Island Skirt*Newlook Jumper* Asda pumps*Ebay necklace*
I know this is a little blurry but the best I could do in a rush! The skirt is one I found in some sales at the beginning of the year and I love it, it's the one I'm pictured in, in another post and I find that it's so easy to just pick it up when i don't know what to wear. The jumper is thin but keeps me warm enough when the weather can't make up it's mind and I love the colour.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Chester Zoo!

My older sister was lucky enough to get some discounted tickets from her work and invited me along to Chester Zoo with my nephew. Being a big kid I was so excited as I love all the big cats, it didn't take us to long to get there either so we had plenty of time to see all the animals there were out and about! I have to say it was a pretty good day out and we did get to see a large number of the animals but the big cats weren't that easy to see or in the Jaguars case totally invisible! We also got to ride on the little railway that goes through the zoo and got to see some of the animals that were harder to see, which was pretty cool.
Highlights of the visit were
  • Getting a butterfly to land on my hand and seeing it up close!
  • Going in the batcave and having all the bats swoop right next to my head
  • Seeing all the Cheetahs up close!
  • Seeing the two baby elephants
  • Watching two baby orangutans roll about in woven sacks-so cute!
Although there was loads to see it and it was a great day I wouldn't go again at full prices just because you can't guarantee what animals you'll see or if any will come out of hiding!

Saturday, 17 August 2013

What I'm wearing

*Topshop top* H&M Jeggings* River Island Boots* Newlook Bag*
I wore this out when I went to catch up with a friend and have a few drinks, pretty simple again but I like that kind of look, patterns and bold colours are something that I'm working my way towards! Nothing really exciting has been happening in my world lately, job hunting is still very depressing but there could be some good news around the coroner has I've been in touch with a recruiter so fingers crossed! Also maybe planning a trip back to uni for the start of freshers week to see a friend whose still there which could be fun!

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Whats in my Bag?

I personally love being nosey about what people have in their bags, probably one of my favourite things to look at on other peoples blogs so I thought I'd done one myself! My bags relatively new, I bought it around March after the one I was using completely gave up on me (broken straps and all) I'm not really a big lover of day bags- I love a good clutch though! So I bought fairly cheap on from Newlook that's big enough to fit whatever I want in. Though I rarely carry more than my phone, keys and purse with me! I guess I'm just not that attached to handbag stuff! haha

  • My Purse, Kind of speaks for itself about whats it's in there for! I don't have any store cards/credit cards. It simply contains my railcard, debit card, provisional driving license and of course money! 
  • So....? Sinful, Another easy one to explain especially since we've had lots of nice weather resently, just hand to have about if I want to freshen up!
  • Plasters, I don't know about everyone else but I always go out in shoes that rub me, I own maybe one pair of shoes that don't give me blisters (ew) so I've learnt to keep a small supply handy!
  • Book, because I still get about on the peasant wagon aka Bus I spend a lot of my time hanging about bus stops looking like I have no friends, so I generally carry a book about with me. I get a few funny looks, I like to think it's because people wonder why I don't have an Ipad or Kindle! rare to see a real life book these days ;) I also wanted to start reading more after uni so this was a good way to fit it in to my day to day life!
  • Jobseekers appointment card, this evil booklet just stays at the bottom of my bag, basically have to show it whenever my sign on day is. I hope to get rid of it soon (someone employ me please!)
  • Keys, Pretty self explanatory but I like to buy keyrings so I've got more key rings than keys on it, there's also a cool bottle opener from a cracker which has come in handy many times when I've been out!
  • Phone, I'd die if I lost or broke my phone, I'm not constantly on it and I don't even have a data bundle which lets me use the internet when I'm not connected to free wifi but I love it simply for keeping in touch with people. I'll always reply to texts!
  • Bits and Bobs, just lip stuff, hair bobble and a pen. The kind of every day boring stuff that everyone seems to collect in the bottom of coat pockets and bags!
Hope people found that interesting enough, not very exciting I guess! but there you go. Maybe when I do this post again I'll have invested in cool gadgets...or a just got a different book ;) 

What I'm Wearing

*Topshop T-shirt*H&M Jeggings*Asda pumps*Ebay Necklace* Newlook clutch*
I know the general "rule" for outfit posts is to see people in the outfit but I just feel a bit weird posing (for now) in my outfits, so I thought I could do this instead for a while until I A) find a good photo taking spot, B) get more comfortable with the idea of taking pictures of myself!

A pretty basic outfit as I was going to the cinema to see The Wolverine, didn't want to go see it at first but the showing times for everything else was rubbish so we settled on that! It was okay, personally I'm kind of over Wolverine having his own spin off films as I didn't like the first one and this wasn't much better. I do love the X-Men films as a whole though!