*Sandals, New Look*Jeggings H&M* Top, Topshop* |
I've been wasting my time playing far to much Hearthstone- If anyone else plays this how addictive is it?! I've been playing with one of my favourite people and we have loads of fun :) it's a turn based card game from the makers of World of Warcraft-not as geeky as it sounds! but you basically get a deck filled with cards that have different spells, attacks and other cool things and the aim it to attack the other person and get their health down to zero!
I love console games and computer games, as I kid I had a N64, Playstation, Xbox, Xbox and a few computer games. At secondary school me and some friends did "ladys who lunch" which consisted of us all going round to someones house and playing Halo and eating loads of food- bliss! I guess I'm not the average girl!